• School Management System

    SCHOOLED offer technical excellence School Management System that supports different types of model to satisfy the browsing needs of any clients.

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  • GET SCHOOLED.........!

    We know that managing school has become tougher with each passing day. If you’re ready to take part in the digital revolution then this is the right destination for you.

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  • Its all about Automation !

    Our expert is all set to provide you full control over the system with using our user-friendly features. Automated School ERP System can access through smart phones and it can manage data at one place.

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Admission Management

Admission inquest Admission Form Give Conformation after an inquest Direct Link with student Management Configuration Online with School Website Admission Follow up Details

Student Management

Fill Complete Profile adding Photograph Guardian Details Online Portal for uploading documents Data import and upload facility Auto roll-no generation Manage admission with adding details

Teacher Management

Manage Class Attendance Manage Leave Approval Exam Schedule Manage Student Result Manage Complaints Manage Homework