School Management Software

School Management Software brings various features to the School Module to fulfill the quality of the educational establishment. School Management Software available in multiple languages. It is designed and developed for local, regional, national and international schools. Software can access by parents, teachers, administrators and students from anywhere in the world. Only Authorized and Authenticated users can access School Information Management Software

  • Flexible Functionality and Deployment
  • Reduced Cost
  • Zero Maintenance
  • Easy User Interface
  • Easy and Fast Implementation
  • Simple to understand
  • Works across Platforms
  • Live Support team

School ERP Software

School ERP Software satisfies the required duties with monitoring the performance of the student based on all activities. Moreover, we offer great flexibility for customization the school modules. School ERP System can record, manage and process students data and teachers data. Online School ERP Software is user-friendly and time saving for school faculties and principals.

  • Admission inquest
  • Admission Form
  • Give Conformation after an inquest
  • Direct Link with student Management
  • Configuration Online with School Website
  • Admission Follow up Details
  • Fill Complete Profile adding Photograph
  • Guardian Details
  • Online Portal for uploading documents
  • Data import and upload facility
  • Auto roll-no generation
  • Manage admission with adding details
  • Manage Class Attendance
  • Manage Leave Approval
  • Exam Schedule
  • Manage Student Result
  • Manage Complaints
  • Manage Homework
  • Advanced Fee Setup based on multiple categories
  • Student Wise Addition
  • Multi Receipt Book Configuration
  • Auto-Fee Receipt Generator
  • Auto SMS Alert Generator
  • Report Generator
  • Advanced Payment Facility
  • Alert on exceeding subject limits
  • Alert for teacher occupancy
  • Timetable for students
  • Timetable for teachers
  • Proxy setting
  • Manage Room
  • Project Room
  • Manage Book
  • Maintain Book Record
  • Subject wise Attendance
  • Report Maintenance
  • Daily/Monthly/Yearly Report generation
  • Percentage Attendance
  • SMS alert Attendance
  • Student Registration
  • Upcoming Events & Activities
  • Set reminders for Parents & Teacher meeting
  • 24 * 7 Supports
  • Paperless process