Student Management Software

Student Management Software helps in easing your registering process. It allows you to manage student information of all the students in your institution by registering basic student details, family information, previous school details, important certificates like transfer and birth certificates with report card and also the addition of a passport size photo.

Student management could have never been easier. As compared to all other Student Information Management Software available now in Kerala and other parts of INDIA, Student Management Software helps you lose your excessive paperwork and saves time. Forget about all the storage required, now student database can be stored and referred to at time and need.

Student Management System

Student Management System creates a strong database making retrieving information easier. You can now keep your student information, statistics in one place. Export/ Import inquiries to Excel format, manage status of your inquiry and also keep a check on it to see approved or not approved status.

You can update each and every change, now and then for each student and also create a tiresome process easy and in time. An application for mobiles or desktop can be created which would make working much faster. Keep a track of Student Information Management System by filling in required information.

Online Student Management System is fast and easy solution to manage student details and store it into the database. Enrolling students, organizing data for future reference and also managing data for student welfare can be done in a single android application.

Student registration, changing status, enrollment issues etc can be handled easily now. All these features are available on the Student Management app which is now available for Indian Schools as well as International Schools.